Friday, May 20, 2011

Some heavenly pictures

I don't know if there's anything worth studying
I lose my breath when I allow Your colors into my world
And if You're really outside of time, do you see us like this?

Fast-forwarding into blurs of industrialized dust and concrete grays?

When Eden was standing and love pulsed through earthly veins...
When no one was forced to fathom pain...
Were there harmonies playing, drifting through the wind?
Before sin...and hatred...and You watched human evil begin...
Did you want to


Did Eve ever recognize the blessing?
What women would do to step one day in it...
Garden colors...were they like these?
How did you know which light went where?
Swimming in parallel lines, poking, sharp and in endless supply...
How confusing are our lives in angels' eyes?
I don't know if there's anything worth studying
What will I need when I finally live in untainted color?

(Thank you to Teso and their heavenly pictures. So amazing to know that...these images reside under the feet of much grander will those colors be?)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Guest Post-Jasmin Banachowski

I Run
July 26, 2010

I run
I am a runner, in more forms than one.

I run for fun, to race, to win, for challenge,
Up high hills, down country roads, in moist heat, through chilled rain,
To build strength, both body and mind...
So, in the long run, I will have
Structure, work ethic, determination, and self worth.

I run for elections and leadership positions,
To be involved,
And to keep things running smoothly.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm always on the run,
And there's always something or someone running through my mind.

This can cause me to run into things,
Whether it be a low branch
A frustrated mother telling me to "put my clothes away..."
At times, I run out of fuel, because I overwork, and because
I forget to look at my fuel gauge.

I tend to run from reality and problems, because
I hate being wrong...
...facing the truth when I'm in a fantasy.

I run from my
Anger and frustrations, and
Pretend they are not there, only to find that
I lost my loved ones, my support for my race, on the way.

I become lonely, and decide it's time to
We can run this race together,
Making our journeys
Safer, smarter, more enjoyable.

No matter what I run for, to, on, through, into, out of, or from...
...I always run to my God

This run is not what you would call an "easy run", but a constant, hilly battle.

-Sometimes, I i feel like this race is never-ending. I get run down, and my pace may slow.

-Sometimes, I take a wrong turn, or run after the wrong thing.

-Many times, I stumble and fall, get scrapes and "broken bones".

But instead of giving up, turning around, or going down the easier path,
I work toward the
Straight path...
...Right to my Father.

Though it's tough,
I feel strong.

I can run over obstacles and
Get up when I fall.

I will run, and run,
Until my race is done.

Because, it's a race I will

And, because I wouldn't want anyone else to run my life.

-Jasmin Elyse Clarey Banachowski
July 2010
Edited by Call the Sound

Friday, May 6, 2011

And perhaps reach out for Him

I asked my eyes if they'd take time
To rest on the sky today.
They complied, focusing on clouds
Almost too high to rain.

White, unblemished fingers,
Reached out from crumpled bodies
Gripped the sapphire ceiling.

Swaying ever-very-slightly,
Inviting shadows of platinum,
Light gray.

I thought to myself, "we're not so different..."
...Refuse release in our own way...

We grip the skies we paint ourselves,
As if Heaven means "more! tightly".

My own livid greens and angry reds
Exist unhinged,
Not lively.

These blues,
Light hues...
...This moment wherein I, again, choose...

Thanks be to He!
Another May-summer muse
Has cleaned my pride
In spite of me.

Acts 17:24-27

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Help me not judge based on pretty, prettier
Taunt me with love rimming a lake of forgiveness
Dip me in Your honor, help me understand
I want to hold Your hand
I want to stand
Woman, Man
Hand in hand
“It’s not the hand that cuts, it’s the hatred deep inside”
All forever changed, silver steps for sand

Who art in heaven
Who hath made art
You gave me a brand new start
Help me not judge based on hungry, hungrier
Nudge me with grace brimming over another cracked cup
Drag me in Your peace
Mercifully redeem
Interlace these raised, bruised hands

In Awe

I can feel plunged at the darkest of demons
Lose my gifted breath to tumultuous waves

I can stop going because I need water
Burn with martyrs
Drown a lonely drowning death

None can fathom, oh the glory
So I’ll praise, So I’ll praise

Sunday, May 1, 2011

ben laden laid to rest?

I have the urge to celebrate
The passing of a fool
Who toppled towers
With his hate
Met ignorant in schools

Hours before
Amidst congregation
Singing with, as one
"Draw me gently to my knees and I am..."
Sweetly broken?
American token?
...As if this war is done...

My country is alive with wealth
Abounds in battle cries
Yet will the death
Of this louse
Unpurely prophesize?