Saturday, December 24, 2011

There are days that leave me weary for Heaven.
Christmas Eve is usually one of them.

Recently, Christmas has just been me and my immediate family.
My dad wasn't raised celebrating Christmas, so it's not his holiday by any means.
My mom's childhood Christmases were more focused on the magic that is Santa and his red velvet bag of toys.
I'm not saying I don't love getting and giving gifts.
And, my dad always tries his utmost best to join in during the holiday festivities.

But, my heart yearns to visit Jesus in the manger.
All these years when I begged Santa for a puppy, what I really wanted was to be a wise man or a shepherd boy.

I understand that now.

I understand that when I sing "joy to the world" at Coral Ridge Presbyterian's emphatic candle-lit Christmas Eve service, it is with a yearning for the true joy that will

Only be found when I'm in my Savior's arms.

I understand that no matter how much shiny paper of red, green, gold I shred with my fingertips, the gift inside, no matter how expensive, is not the

Gift of Gifts that God gave the world when He sent His son for us.

These earthly Christmastimes aren't for all of eternity, and

That's a good thing.

I can't wait to sing these carols with the angels someday.
Merry Christmas, everyone.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


...Amazing hate,
Oblique the sound,
That stoned a bird
Like He.

I once was held,
But now I'm bound.
I've cried
And now, I see.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Live; Content.

Below are some words from a wise man named Max. The question is not 'are you addicted to porn?' but 'what is your porn?' We all have an idol(s) and we've all been addicted at one time or another. Our eyes can't stay on God's if our hands aren't holding on tight in a circle of community. Celebrate fellowship. Celebrate freedom from obedience to sin. Don't celebrate alone. Make friends... Jesus did.

"Using pornography is rarely about using pornography. It’s always about something else. For sex provides immediate power and gratification. It smothers anxiety and tension. Sex validates us, and makes us feel loved. And while these things may make us feel good and worthy at the time, they only empty us faster than we can be filled. Which keeps us going back again and again. Because it’s the fastest, easiest way to seek gratification when we are discontent and lonely.

Pornography THRIVES on loneliness.

A multi-billion dollar industry that depends on the exploitation of your loneliness.

A loneliness that doesn’t disappear with marriage or sex.

Loneliness disappears with contentment.

Contentment with who you are.

Contentment with who God created you to be.

Pornography is resistance.

The resistance against contentment.

Resistance stops us from living the lives we were meant to live"
